Wesak Dansal Sri Lanka ( Free Food )

What is wesak(vesak) ?

Vesak(wesak) is a very exciting festival Sri Lankan that buddhist society celebrating month of May. Month of May full moon day known to be as load Buddha's ( Siddhārtha Gautama) celebration day of the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. This day is called Wesak(Vesak) day. This day most of the country celibate with hanging Buddhist flags of there houses and decorating with Wesak (Vesak) lanterns, colorful bulbs ,thoran and dansal.

In the night time people usually visiting out to the streets to watch the colorfulness of wesak(Vesak) and to the temples to have peaceful time.

Dansal is something people can come and eat as they wanted to without any limits. Basically its kind of charity work also a free food given way for everyone. Usually these are gathered and organized by some communities or group of people get together. Organizing a Dansal is a good example of good team work.

If its hard to find money to open a Dansal people used to go house by house to get collection and donations. It can be money or something that esentials for the dansal (sugar, noodles packets, cocunuts etc. ).

When opening a dasal organizers used to light fire crackers so people will get to know its a opening and they visit can there. Dansals can open day and night there is no difference. Though  most ones are open at night time.

Most people used to gather  and travel far watching the Wesak, Thoran as well as going to Dansals. Even you walk for 5 km you can find 10 or more Dansals in some area. This is a very fun day for teengers since they can went everywhere as teams. Also the street police also little loose their tiet rules on wesak day.

 Dansal Drinks

Ice Cream Dansal

Rice Dansal

Some of the main types of Dansals given on Wesak(Vesak).

Other thank this we can find out 
  • Noodles dansal
  • Fried rice dansal
  • Roti dansal
  • Coffee dansal
  • Faluda dansal 
  • Manyokka dansal
And many more.
